Top 5 Most Over-Saturated Actors of Recent Times

1. Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Fan-Cast As: Batman, Flash, Anyone Spunky, Hipstery, and New-Agey This one isn't so much a fan-cast issue as it is the fact that the actor's done very, very well for himself the past three years. He's caught the eye of Christopher Nolan, Steven Spielberg, and Rian Johnson, and has done plenty of smaller-budget work in between his massive, blockbuster scale films. And I do like him, but he's easily become the most over-saturated fella of recent times. There's always a spot for him in pretty much every movie, which sometimes can get a bit annoying. So, good work, Mr. Gordon-Levitt. I'll just have to pace myself with your endeavors.
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Cameron Carpenter is an aspiring screenwriter, current film and journalism student, and self-diagnosed cinephile, which only sounds bad in certain circles. Devoted fan of comics, movies, theater, Jesus Christ, Sidney Lumet, and Peter O'Toole, he sometimes spends too much time on his Scribd and, but doesn't think you're one to judge, devoted reader. You can follow him on Twitter to watch him talk to people you didn't know exist. Oh, and Daredevil is quite the big deal around here (my head).