Top 50 Euro Trash Films

35. Orgasmo (1969)

orgasmo Umberto Lenzi, Italian lumpen hack, directs this piece of late 1960s psychedelic Giallo. Carroll Baker plays Kathryn West, a wealthy American widow who inherits an Italian villa. An oily brother and sister duo inveigle their way in to her life with the sole purpose of freaking her out so that they can inherit her fortune. The film is very groovy and swinging 1960s - you might hate the music or you might love it. For a film named Orgasmo, there is precious little orgasmic or erotic about it. I think it's time that the film had the Shameless Screen Entertainment makeover - they could actually make a decent presentation of it.

34. Sexy Susan Sins Again (1969)

sexy sins Sexy Susan! She got up to an awful lot of erotic mischief in the golden age of soft core porn in Germany (see The Sweet Sins of Sexy Susan). For those of you who didn't have the German porn fest of a childhood that I had (thanks SKY TV), Susan is an inn keeper who gets up to sexy hijinks. In this film, Susan is the the head of an acting troupe. She and her ladies must travel to Italy for the good of European (sexual) relations to block an assassination attempt upon Napoleon. To tell you the truth, when I was watching this film, my German sex talk was limited to "Ich komme! Ich komme!" ("I'm coming! I'm coming!"). Now that I have expanded my vocabulary, I would like to see this film again. German sexploitation was such fun, it deserves a release. Half of the enjoyment was spotting Euro sexploitation starlets - "Oi! There goes Edwige Fenech with her muff out!".

33. Beim Yodeln Juckt die Lederhose / There's No Sex Like Snow Sex (1974)

aqaq I love the translation of the original title - Yodelling Makes Your Lederhosen Itch. Another film that I have fond memories of from my time as a youngster. A busload of women get stuck in a small Bavarian Village. There are some pretty crazy goings on but everyone gets cosy with each other after the snow. The film features possibly the randiest bunch of ski instructors ever seen on film. Another zany German sex comedy - why did all the German sex comedies have to be so crazy? Other countries could make straight erotic dramas but Germany turned everything into a laughing stock. A bit like Britain (see Come Play With Me! Confessions of a..). But if you want to watch busty Eurobabes run around naked in the snow - go for it!

32. I Am Curious: Yellow (1967)

iam curious yellow A bit of a controversial movie in its day, I am Curious Yellow gave Sweden the image of a country where everyone is engaged in doing rude things. The film follows Nell, a 20 year old girl who is engaged in political activism, meditation and various relationships. There is liberal nudity and sex scenes which aggravated censors world wide. The sex is not porno-style. Nell aint Uschi Digard and there is a realism to the sex scenes that is touching and awkward. I'm sure we have all had awkward sexual moments - not every sex session we have resembles a glossy soft core porn movie. The film though is primarily about freedom and democracy and one young woman's attempts to make sense of them. The sex is an added bonus.

31. Come Play With Me (1977)

come with Featuring home grown sex siren - Mary Millington - whose work I am a great admirer of, this movie is the most famous of the British sex comedies that glossed our screens in the 1960s and 1970s. It played in theatres for several years despite the fact that it had hardly any sex in it, was full of hoary old past it British TV stars and for a comedy - it was exceedingly dull and tedious to sit through. I have a copy that I got through the Daily Sport for 50p (I'm a classy lassie!) and I found the film to be rather bonkers. Why the heck Mary Millington is getting into a sexual frenzy over the horrible old men in the film is a mystery. The plot is threadbare and only enlivened by the appearance of an occasionally sexy nurse. It is quite a hideous spectacle to behold and I feel so nauseated I cannot continue anymore. Avoid, avoid, avoid.
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My first film watched was Carrie aged 2 on my dad's knee. Educated at The University of St Andrews and Trinity College Dublin. Fan of Arthouse, Exploitation, Horror, Euro Trash, Giallo, New French Extremism. Weaned at the bosom of a Russ Meyer starlet. The bleaker, artier or sleazier the better!