Top 50 Euro Trash Films

40. Schulmadchen Report (1970)

dwd3 I came across Schulmadchen Report (Was Eltern Nicht fur Moglich Halten) when I was a 10 year old girl watching the German channels on SKY TV. Those channels used to show a lot of pervy soft core porn. I used to tape the films and give them to the boys in school. It also started my love affair with the German language which I formally studied for 9 years (and before you say "You suck at German, you forgot your umlauts!" - that is laziness not stupidity) But back to Schulmadchen Report. A young German school girl snogs the bus driver and her parents do their nut in. They send for a psychologist who gives them examples (seen as vignettes) of all the naughtiness young girls are getting up to in early 1970s Germany. Will she be punished or accepted as part of the new breed? Schulmadchen boasts a terrifically groovy soundtrack by Gert Wilder. I have it on CD and sometimes I like to put it on and dance around like I'm a young German sex pot instead of the old Irish has been I am. But the film is very sexy and saucy. It began a long list of pseudo documentaries about Sexy German girls - my favourite is Madchen die nach Munchen Kommen - Munich Girls. Ho ho ho! Das ist ausgezeichnet!

39. Je suis une nymphomane (I am a Nymphomaniac) (1971)

effeef Directed by Fuhrer of Filth - Max Pecas - this film stars Jean Rollin collaborator Sandra Julien and Janine Reynaud - star of a couple of Jess Franco's better movies. Carole (Sandra Julien) falls down the stairs and develops a compulsion to have sex with anyone that way inclined. This is not a pleasurable thing for her and she hates herself. Along the way she loses her job, boyfriend, gets kicked out of the house by her parents. Carole heads for Paris where she falls victim to the sexual machinations of an older couple. Very hard to get hold of, I am a Nymphomaniac ends a bit more happily than it begins. A psychologist tells Carole her condition is curable. There is a lot of gratuitous nudity and softcore scenes but the film highlights an unusual affliction and is thus quite fascinating.

38. Bloody Pit of Horror (1965)

bloody pit of horror Mickey Hargitay - Mr Jayne Mansfield and the father of Mariska 'Law and Order: Special Victims Unit' Hargitay - stars in this outrageous piece of 1960s Euro-horror. A photographer brings young models with him to an old castle for a shoot. Little do they know that there is a maniac in the castle who wants to recreate a 17th Century Inquisition. Mickey prances about with an oiled chest and in some red tights re-enacting cheesy torture scenes. His performance is so high pitched it lurches into the camp and bizarre. Hardly Robert de Niro, he emotes and shrieks his head off eliciting more giggles than fear. The film is indeed considered to be a camp classic all due to Hargitay's performance. Aside from that there are a lot of very beautiful nearly naked girls to ogle and shoddy torture sequences which some of the models seem to be enjoying.

37. The Playbirds (1978)

blocks_image_1_1 A British sexploiter this time from Irish born director Willy Roe. Famous for starring Mary 'Best of British' Millington. Meant to be the follow up to the woeful Come Play With Me, Playbirds Is a porno mag whose starlets are getting slaughtered. This prompts a police investigation into the salubrious world of pornography. Primarily a vehicle for porn baron Richard Sullivan's magazines and starlets. Doomed actor Alan Lake plays the oily porn baron and Mary Milington plays the undercover policewoman who goes on assignment to a massage parlour - wow, what a stretch of her acting talents. The murders are creepy and well staged. The B Movie cast will throw up some old faces for you. Playbirds is enjoyable on one level, sleazy on the second level and shoddy on the third level. I'm surprised such an effort made it onto the silver screen.

36. Diary of an Erotic Murderess (1975)

diary of an erotic Austrian sexpot Marisa Mell stars as the greedy, grasping slut who takes up with an elderly millionaire. She offs him because she has a weird erotic thing going with his retarded son whom she can use her wiles upon and manipulate to get what she wants. But she doesn't count on an ex husband and a bastard son of the old man showing up to throw her off course. The film is a very slow burner. There are hardly any murder scenes and the stress is on psychological manipulation and psycho-horror. It is worth buying for to admire the looks of Marisa Mell but beware that about 10 minutes of nudity and sex play have been inexplicably removed from the print. Diary of a Pretty-but-Banal Murderess.
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My first film watched was Carrie aged 2 on my dad's knee. Educated at The University of St Andrews and Trinity College Dublin. Fan of Arthouse, Exploitation, Horror, Euro Trash, Giallo, New French Extremism. Weaned at the bosom of a Russ Meyer starlet. The bleaker, artier or sleazier the better!