Toy Story Of Terror: 11 Easter Eggs & References You Probably Missed

3. Buy-N-Large & The Hidden Signs

Buy N Large Naturally, given Pixar's tendency to stuff as many references and Easter Eggs into their films as possible, there are a number of little references throughout Toy Story Of Terror, which remain just as important and just as rewarding to find. First up, there's the Buy-N-Large sticker on the door of the motel, advertising the availability and acceptance of the BnL credit card, as seen above in the image. And then among the other hidden background signs, there's a post-it note on Ron's computer, which quotes Paul Thomas Anderson's Hard Eight - "Never ignore a man's courtesy" suggesting someone on the animation or directing team is a big fan of the crime drama. There's also a fairly obscure nod to Raising Arizona, as the Sleepwell Motel's address is the same (State Farm Rd. #31, Tempe AZ) as the address of Maricopa County Maximum Security Correctional Facility For Men in the excellent Nic Cage comedy. And most obscure of all, the police officers who turn up at the end to arrest Ron (without too much explanation) are named Officers Wilson and Phillips - a reference to the 90's group Wilson Phillips. Wilson Philips Ironically, the two images on this page point out a movie mistake too, as both the BnL sticker and the County Bank decal have disappeared entirely from the door behind the officers.

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