Transformers 5 Wishlist: 10 Things We Want To See

1. Unicron

www.comicvine.comwww.comicvine.comIf there's one character Transformers fans would absolutely love to see in TF5, it's Unicron, a world-eating god of chaos who first appeared in the classic 1986 animated movie (and was voiced by Orson Welles, incredibly enough). He is a literally planet-sized entity who can even transform himself into a mechanical planet, and would present a more striking challenge for the Autobots than they have yet had in Michael Bay's movies. The ever-helpful producer Bonaventura recently commented on the prospect of Unicron appearing in a Transformers movie, claiming, €œThe problem with Unicron is how big it is...It€™s boring, that big. How do you stop it? We€™ll get there, but when is a good question.€ So, Unicorn is going to happen, but perhaps not in TF5? Well, we can keep dreaming. If the movie truly wants to fly in a radical new direction that includes the realms of outer space, then it's a natural segue into Unicron, even if he does present a considerable narrative challenge in how the Autobots can plausibly bring him down. Still, it worked in the cartoons, so we're pretty sure Bay can make it work with all of his visual bombast. What do you want to see in Transformers 5? Let us know in the comments!

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.