Transformers: Age Of Extinction - 10 Awful Michael Bay Trademarks We Don't Want

5. Absence Of Humanity

Fa You know a movie has done well when it makes you sad from the inside when a character you felt deeply attached to meets an untimely demise. It's a characteristic of all great films €“ The Godfather, Lord of the Rings, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Saving Private Ryan - films connect you with the characters at such a personal level that when Maximus is stabbed in Gladiator, you feel like a part of you has been wounded too. The absence of humanity is another thing that Bay would do well to avoid in the upcoming Transformers flick. It's amazing how this man took something as tragic as the incident at Pearl Harbour and created an emotionless travesty from it by making it into a two-guys-fighting-for-one-girl rom-com out of it. Instead of creating characters that are merely soulless mediums for explosions and mindless action, he would do well to create real humans. Drive them with a strong character motivation, make them react as real humans would, perforate them with the same flaws that human beings actually have and then we'd have something closer to how people actually are.

I'm Saahil from India and no, I don't own an elephant. I write. I think P. G. Wodehouse might just be the greatest author of all times. Manhattan was definitely Woody Allen's masterpiece (yes, over Annie Hall). The Shawshank Redemption is overrated. I love debating. I've always dreamed of shooting zombies with a sawed-off during an apocalypse. I own a dog. The Sixth Sense was a fluke. Sheldon Cooper is probably the worst TV character right now. I play table tennis. I am socially awkward. I don't know how to end this. My editor's probably going to cream me for this. But, whatever.