Transformers: Age Of Extinction - 10 Awful Michael Bay Trademarks We Don't Want

4. Catering To The Mindless Masses

Baysplosion 600x300 Dear Mr. Bay, it's kind of okay if one of your movies doesn't earn a thirty million in a day. For once, let us try and cater to a different audience and not just those who grew up thinking Commando was the best movie ever made. Your movies would do well to indulge the grey cells a little and actually make people think. Action movies have done fairly well in this aspect. Inception, Die Hard and First Blood come to mind. The movies you make don't. It's something a lot of us would prefer not being subject to in Transformers: Extinction. We're tired of having the guy sitting next to us having a good ol' time on raw, testosterone rush while we feel completely at sea. We want to feel like you're making the film for us too. We don't just want to sit back and relax. We want to think. We want our intellect tested. We want to go back home and ponder over plausible explanations to a mind-bending ending to the film. Kindly oblige us with the same. Yours sincerely, People Who Think.

I'm Saahil from India and no, I don't own an elephant. I write. I think P. G. Wodehouse might just be the greatest author of all times. Manhattan was definitely Woody Allen's masterpiece (yes, over Annie Hall). The Shawshank Redemption is overrated. I love debating. I've always dreamed of shooting zombies with a sawed-off during an apocalypse. I own a dog. The Sixth Sense was a fluke. Sheldon Cooper is probably the worst TV character right now. I play table tennis. I am socially awkward. I don't know how to end this. My editor's probably going to cream me for this. But, whatever.