Transformers: Age Of Extinction – 19 Easter Eggs & References

6. Han Geng Cameo If the ass-kicking Zou Shiming cameo worked pretty much on its own merits regardless of whether or not you knew who the guy was, the cameo by actor-singer Han Geng didn't mesh quite so seamlessly. During the climactic set-piece, as Lockdown activates his magnets, Bay cuts briefly to Geng, who is sat in his car singing and playing the guitar, though the glance is long and distinguished enough that viewers are likely to expect the character to be of some importance. As it stands, Geng's appearance is bizarrely short given his popularity, and many Chinese viewers reportedly complained about the ham-fisted nature of the cameo as well as his lack of dialogue. One user of Chinese social networking site Weibo said, €œI went to watch Han Geng...But his screen time was even less than the Chinese milk", which whether it was intended to be or not, is totally hilarious.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.