Transformers: Top 5 Optimus Prime Deaths

4. Don't Go Down To The Woods Today... (Revenge Of The Fallen)

Revenge of the Fallen looks set to become the early 21st century's answer to being THE film that people adore hating. But there's more to adore in this film besides despising its existence. There's that scene where Optimus dies. Rather brutally. Optimus has died in many ways over the years - its ranged from accidental to being his own choice, but rarely has Optimus died in such a violent way as he does so in Revenge of the Fallen. Impaled by Megatron, Prime doesn't die so much as he gets decapitated in pure techno-gore-porn style. Were such a death to be human and not robot, this scene would surely have had to have been re-edited into something more family friendly. But these are just toys after all, aren't they?

Senior editor for the superhero/comic book hub A Place To Hang Your Cape. BA in Creative Writing and Film Studies from Hull Uni. Currently getting lost in the big wide world of freelance writing. And some other stuff.