10 Typecast Movie Roles That Totally Ruined Major Plot Reveals

5. Ben Affleck €“ Gone Girl

The Big Reveal The big big reveal is of course showing Rosamund Pike staged her death and framed her husband. But bound up with that is the smaller big reveal - Ben Affleck is innocent. Why It€™s So Obvious Ben Affleck is the perennial good guy. With the exception of his douchbaggery in Kevin Smith€™s Mallrats, very early on in his career, he€™s pretty much always been a through-and-through American hero. He played a blind lawyer by day and superhero by night in Daredevil. He helped rescue Americans from Tehran in Argo. And he helped John McClane (a.k.a. Bruce Willis) save the world in Armageddon. This is not a man you cast as a wife-killing murderer. This is a man you cast as someone who€™s been framed for the death of his wife. The trailers did a good job of pinning the blame on him, and those unfamiliar with the source material might not have been any the wiser. Except for the fact that it€™s Ben Affleck. Of course he's not guilty. Unless you€™ve read the book, you might not have seen the fact that his wife is the one doing the framing, with a terrifyingly elaborate scheme. But that€™s besides the point. Affleck did a great job in the lead. But it might have been more interesting for Fincher to cast someone you could believe as being guilty of murdering their wife, as tall an order as that sounds. Steve Buscemi, maybe?

Movie / TV enthusiast with a DVD and Blu-ray collection bigger than I'd care to admit. If anyone is offering creative / furniture solutions to house them, I'm all ears.