Uncharted Movie: 8 Characters That MUST Appear
3. Charlie Cutter
There has rarely ever been a job that Nate and Sully have been able to pull off without the help of anyone else. Whether it be Chloe, Harry, any of Sully’s questionable friends in low places, their ambitious schemes are rarely a two person job.
Chloe will be along for at least some of this ride, but their allies shouldn’t stop there. Looking back to the London sequence in Drake’s Deception, there was a great dynamic between these three and one other character that should absolutely be explored in the movie.
Charlie Cutter is yet another old friend of Drake’s. He has worked as a double agent of sorts for them, knows just as much as Nate does about the treasure they chase, and has absolutely no problem taking a punch when he needs to.
He is a great character that could bring a lot to the table. Even if it is just to see him argue with Nate over Shakespeare, or some American/English debate that goes too far, this movie will never be so big that it couldn’t benefit from some childish bickering from two fully grown men.