Uncharted Movie: 8 Characters That MUST Appear

4. Navarro

Uncharted movie nadine
Naughty Dog

If it does come to pass that Antonio Banderas has a larger villain standing over him, pulling his strings in the form of Gabriel Roman, it would then make sense for his as of yet undisclosed role to be Navarro, wouldn’t it?

In Drake’s Fortune, Navarro acts as Roman’s main henchman and guide across the island. However, at the point of Roman’s death and zombification, he takes up the mission himself, becoming the final boss battle in the game. This would be a strong story for the movie rather than making Banderas a forgettable villain that is there just to make up the numbers.

Banderas would easily be able to bring to life the intimidating and aggressive Navarro, even if he would be a little older than his source material counterpart. It would also make sense as to why the Spanish actor’s character is yet to be confirmed.

If fans of the games knew Banderas was playing Navarro from the beginning, surely it wouldn’t be too much of a leap to expect Gabriel Roman to join him, and if this is setting up to be a big twist of the movie, the marketing team will want to give absolutely nothing away beforehand.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.