Valentine's Day 2013: 10 Scenes In Which Hearts Are (Literally) Torn Out

5. Angel, Underneath (2004)


In season 5 of the Angel television series, the episode 'Underneath' depicts the culmination of events which saw former Wolfram and Hart employee Lindsey McDonald (Christian Kane) try to kill the now CEO of L.A's branch of Wolfram and Hart - Angel - using a fail safe contingency creature that the Senior Partners kept in order to kill Angel themselves if he ever posed a threat to them. Going over the heads of the Senior Partners and getting found out results in him being incarcerated in a 'holding dimension'. In this case, it is a bizarre world in which he lives a Groundhog Day-esq life over and over, whereby he has a normal suburban family existence, but gets his heart ripped out every day by a demon who resides in his basement, before being brought back to life and having to endure it all over again. Ultimately, he is rescued by Angel (David Boreanaz), Spike (James Marsters) and Charles Gunn (J. August Richards), the latter of whom sacrifices himself to be Lindsey's replacement in this horrible life as self-penance for his part in the death of Fred Burkle (Amy Acker).
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.