Valentine's Day 2013: 10 Scenes In Which Hearts Are (Literally) Torn Out

2. Dumb and Dumber (1994)

dumb and dumber

In the comedy classic Dumb and Dumber, Lloyd Christmas (Jim Carrey) and his friend Harry Dunne (Jeff Daniels) both fall for wealthy heiress Mary Swanson (Lauren Holly). In a memorable and very funny dream scene (which Lloyd worryingly has whilst he is driving the infamous Dumb and Dumber dog-mobile), Lloyd fantasises about 'impressing' Mary by, amongst other things, lighting a fart, fighting off a group of waiters after one of them started kissing Mary's arm and, ultimately, killing the crazy martial artist chef who emerges from the kitchen to attack him by ripping his heart out and dropping it in to a doggy bag. Considering the genre of this movie, it's somewhat surprising that this turns out to be one of the more graphic instances of a still-beating heart being held in someone's hand.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.