Venom: 19 WTF Moments
10. The PG-13 Decapitations
It makes sense that a character with a history of biting people's heads off should probably only appear in an R-rated movie, but Hollywood being Hollywood, Venom is of course a PG-13 (something Sony waited as late as possible to tell fans).
Unfortunately, this results in a few awkwardly-executed moments when Venom does in fact bite some heads off during the movie, as director Ruben Fleischer is forced to sneakily cut around the event itself.
When Venom gets his first full reveal, he decapitates one of Drake's men almost immediately, but the violence is obscured out of frame in order to keep the film somewhat kid-friendly.
It happens several times later in the movie too, and is proof perfect that if you're gonna make a faithful Venom movie, it absolutely needs to be grisly and R-rated.