Venom: 9 Most Hilariously Awful Moments

7. Riot Travels From Malaysia To The U.S.

Venom Knife Arm

The movie opens with the Life Foundation's spaceship crashing to Earth - East Malaysia specifically - at which point one of the symbiotes, Riot, manages to escape containment.

After this, several sequences depict Riot hopping from one host to the next, including an E.M.T. who slaughters literally dozens of people, an old lady who boards a plane, and most hilariously, a little girl who inexplicably shows up inside the Life Foundation's lab to confront Drake.

Drake asks if she's lost, at which point the symbiote-infused girl retorts, "I'm not lost" and Riot then attaches itself to Drake for the rest of the movie.

Though there's definitely potential in a host-switching creature which turns its meat-puppets into Terminator-like murderers, it's all about the execution. Unfortunately, having the symbiote literally take an international flight and disguise itself as a kid to get to Drake just seems a bit too silly.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.