Venom: 9 Most Hilariously Awful Moments

2. "Like A Turd...In The Wind"

Tom Hardy Venom

Everyone and their aunt's had fun ridiculing the already-infamous "turd in the wind" line from the trailers, which Eddie/Venom says to a convenience store thief after confronting him mid-robbery. If you were hoping it might play a little better in the final film, it absolutely does not.

In fact it feels even more laboured and cringe-worthy with the overdone set-up of Eddie encountering the same thief in the same store earlier in the film and the knowledge of the "I have a parasite" final payoff.

Tonally it also misfires, because the "turd in the wind" quip is so inherently silly, and yet, Venom follows it up by biting the guy's head clean off. Given the highly vitriolic response to the one-liner, it probably should've been removed from the final cut entirely.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.