Wait, Is Toy Story 4 Planning On KILLING OFF Woody?!

2. Tom Hanks' Reaction

Tom Hanks The Terminal

As with Avengers 4 and Game Of Thrones and pretty much every upcoming movie/TV show that has a finale approaching that is expected to be emotional, Toy Story 4 has immediately adopted the practice of getting its cast to say how emotional the creaive process has been.

When the Game Of Thrones cast were coached to say that they'd all cried at the ending, we were supposed to be hooked by a very simple idea: that they've come through so much and THIS is the point where they cry? That must be bad. They must be dying. Oh God, how will we ever cope?!

And Pixar have done the same thing with Toy Story 4. Not so long ago, they very precisely allowed Tom Hanks to give his reactions publicly to the ending, which came out of the blue for a project that had been otherwise completely locked down pretty much since 2014.

Here's what he had to say...

"It was the first time that we were going to be recording the end of the movie, and Toy Story [4] is going to have an impactful ending. The way you record Toy Story, you're in a room with the team that has created it. When I went in for my last day of recording, I wanted to have my back to them, because usually, you're facing him so he can look right up and you can talk about it. But I didn't want to see them and pretend they couldn't see me.”

Tell me he's not talking about the death of his character there. You just try it. And unfortunately, Woody's death would probably be the most fitting thing Pixar could do with Toy Story 4's end...


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