War For The Planet Of The Apes: 15 WTF Moments
5. Woody Harrelson Forgets How To Act
At the film's climax, it turns out that The Colonel is undone by a fatal dose of irony, as he ends up contracting the evolved virus from Nova's doll, which he for some reason takes to his personal quarters after it's found. You know because he's weird and despite the fact that he KNOWS the danger of transmission (and can clearly see there's a big blob of blood on it).
Up to this point, he's absolutely excellent as the villain, and thoroughly detestable with it. But once he's infected and has to convey the fact that he can no longer speak and is horribly vulnerable, Harrelson loses his ability to act and offers a parody performance that pulls you completely out of the moment. It's accidentally hilarious, and that's really not a good thing.