What Every Major Character Did After The Lord Of The Rings

8. Elrond

galadriel mirror
New Line Cinema

The elf lord of Rivendell, Elrond wears Vilya, one of the three elven rings of power.

An immortal elf, Elrond was almost 2500 years old at the start of The Lord Of The Rings. He was the adoptive father of Aragorn, recognizing his destiny as the king of Gondor.

In the early days of Sauron's rise he was a member of the White Council who drove the dark lord from his fortress of Dol Guldur in Mirkwood around the time of the events in The Hobbit. Later he chaired the council of Elrond and formed the Fellowship together.

He was reluctant to allow his daughter Arwen to marry Aragorn and give away her immortality, but he eventually agreed to allow it once Aragorn had reclaimed his throne and was crowned king of Gondor. He fulfilled his promise, escorting Arwen to Minas Tirith for her wedding.

As a Ring-bearer, along with Gandalf, Frodo and Bilbo he sailed west on the White Ship to Valinor. The departure of the Ring-bearers marked the end of the Third Age in Middle Earth.


Huge fan of Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. Watches anything with Liam Neeson in it.