What If...Kevin Smith's Superman Movie Got Made

5. Brainiac, Lex Luthor and Doomsday Are The Villains

brainiac superman
DC Comics

Kevin Smith's draft for Superman Lives was ambitious in that it featured three villains, with Brainiac sending Doomsday to Earth to kill Superman, while also aiming to block out the Sun which would render Superman powerless against the attack, given that he's powered by sunlight.

Brainiac also aligns himself with Lex Luthor, and in some versions of the draft altered from Smith's original, Lex and Brainiac would literally combine to become "Lexiac", which of course is absolutely ridiculous.

Nevertheless, the idea of three villains is at once interesting and worrying at the same time, given how other comic book films which have tried to feature countless villains - such as Spider-Man 3's trio of bad guys - have basically floundered under the weight, feeling overstuffed and not devoting enough time to characters.

In short, this one really could have gone either way.


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