What Spider-Man: Homecoming Cast Look Like In The Comics

6. Aaron Davis/The Prowler

Aaron Davis Donald Glover

In The Comics

Initially a criminal, several characters have played different versions of eventual superhero The Prowler, but the important one here is Aaron Davis, who debuted in the Ultimate Marvel universe and is the uncle of Miles Morales. His Prowler name was initially a criminal gimmick, and he was turned to good when he broke into Oscorp and unwittingly transported a mutated spider home where it bit Miles and empowered him.

He then appropriated tech from The Tinkerer (an electric suit, a winged suit and electric gauntlets) with the aim of killing Scorpion after a bad deal went sour, and clashed with Miles' Spider-Man in a fight that ultimately, accidentally killed him.

In The Film

Donald Glover's Davis is a low level criminal (he doesn't want to kill anyone), who seems to find the error of his ways when he meets Spider-Man and insists he doesn't want Vulture's weapons in the world his nephew is growing up in. He seems to be something of a mellow stoner type.

5. Jason Ionello

Jason Ionello Jorge Lendeborg Jr

In The Comics

Jason is another of Flash Thompson's popular kid side-kicks, frequently bullying Peter Parker while idolising Spider-Man ironically. He would later become obsessed with discovering Peter's real identity along with Sally Avril, and was embittered towards Spider-Man when Sally was killed in a car crash as they pursued Spidey.

Poisoned by vengeance, he would go on to put on his own Spider-Man costume and vandalise properties in the hope of discrediting the real Spidey as a menace.

In The Film

Betty Brant's co-anchor on the school news show, Jason isn't on screen much, but still manages to be the centre of the most cringe-worthy moment when he asks her to the Homecoming dance live on air and is brutally rebuffed. He's played by newcomer Jason Ionello.


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