What Spider-Man: Homecoming Cast Look Like In The Comics

14. Flash Thompson

Flash Thompson Tony Revolori

In The Comics

The archetypal jock bully, Flash has been around for decades, rarely seen without his letterman jacket or with a sharp barbed bullying jab aimed at Peter Parker. He's rich, he's a dick and while he later became a friend to Peter, he was a thorn in his side for a long time.

Previously played on screen by Joe Mangianello (and then Chris Zylka), Flash would later go on to become Agent Venom.

In The Film

Far less of the usual jock figure, Tony Revolori's Flash is still a rich boy bully, but he's more of an under-achiever among geniuses (hence his antagonism). He's more of a clownish figure than a threat, but he still has it in for "Penis" Parker though.

13. Ms Warren

Raymond Warren Selenis Leyva

In The Comics

Raymond Warren was one of Peter Parker's teachers and had links to several villains - The Tinkerer, The Living Brain and Miles Warren - his brother - who would become The Jackal, and who was in love with Gwen Stacy for a while.

In The Film

Similar in name and occupation only, the film's Ms Warren is played by Orange is The New Black's Selenis Leyva and is definitely not a middle-aged, balding man.


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