What Your Favourite Star Trek Movie Says About You

Star Trek Into Darkness

Chris Pine Captain Kirk Star Trek Into Darkness 4

With Star Trek 2009 being a huge hit, it was surprising that Paramount waited four years to cash in on its success. But it was agreed the added time was a good thing, it gave them time to write a brilliant script and at least it wasn€™t rushed like most sequels are.

Speculation grew on where Abrams would take the story now? He was not confined by canon so he could do whatever he wanted. Who was the villain going to be? Will we see a new version of a classic character? Names like Khan and Gary Mitchell were being argued in forums across the four corners of the Internet.

When the film was eventually released, it turned out to be yet another rehash of Wrath Of Khan. More plot holes; week writing and twists that cashed even more on the prime timeline. It was fun to watch but the same problems as the first film, overclouded the story about terrorism and the militarism of Starfleet. A whole section of the film even copied a scene, word-for-word from Wrath Of Khan. But instead of Spock dying, it was Kirk who died saving the ship. Don;t worry, he was brought back to life five minutes later, with little consequence. Long-term Star Trek fans everywhere did a collective face palm.

With all the possibilities a new timeline offered, Into Darkness seemed like a wasted opportunity to cash in on nostalgia, even if it was a roller coaster to watch.

Favorite Moment In The Film:

All those people winging that this film is just a rubbish €˜Wrath of Khan€™ need to shut up and realise €˜€™their€™€™ Star Trek has moved on. This film had everything, a good story, a complex villain and awesome space fights.

You were blown away when John Harrison revealed he was Khan, all you non Star Trek fans had no idea what that meant but they didn€™t care, the explosions were kool. Benedict Cumberbatch was awesome, who cares if Khan is now white and British, the original was Mexican so STFU.

It had lots of nods to old Star Trek that made you giddy inside when you noticed them, it was an action packed nostalgia trip that didn€™t alienate people who don€™t care about the physics of hiding a ship underwater. Anybody who is moaning about it being just a dumb Transformers movie with a Star Trek skin, they need to realise the film was made primarily to appeal to people who don€™t like science-fiction and Star Trek. If Abrams didn€™t do what he did, the franchise would be dead. And a dumbed down Star Trek is better than no Star Trek. It€™s all about international markets and focus groups so stop bitching on the internet, learn how modern movies are made and have fun.

Favorite Moment In The Film:

Alice Eve in her underwear and when Spock shouts KHHHHHAAAAAAANNNNNN.

Other Films You Like:

Epic Movie & Scary Movie 4.

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Child of the 80's. Brought up on Star Trek, Video Games and Schwarzenegger, my tastes evolved to encompass all things geeky.