Who Actually Killed Who In Scream?
6. Casey Becker

For poor Casey Becker, she was the tone-setter for Scream and for the larger Scream franchise.
With Drew Barrymore the headline act on all of Scream's early promotional material, seeing the supposed star of the movie killed off after just 15 minutes was a huge shocker that let the audience know that Scream was a film where all bets were off. After all, Wes Craven's 1996 offering completely changed the horror game by openly mocking the overplayed formula and rules of the genre.
Who was the person behind the murder of Casey? Well, the simple answer to that is Matthew Lillard's Stu Macher, but there is a little more to all of this.
As Casey gets tormented by an eerie caller, it's Stu who was on the phone here. He wasn't operating alone, mind, and the Ghostface who first physically encounters Casey in her home is Billy Loomis. After those two scuffle and Casey makes her big run for freedom, it's then that Stu's Ghostface appears and stabs her in the back before leaving Casey's gutted corpse hanging from a nearby tree. In terms of an added incentive, it's later revealed that Casey was Stu's ex-girlfriend.
And with that, the table had been well and truly set to establish Scream as completely different to anything else in the horror genre at that time.