Who Kills Thanos? - Predicting Avengers: Infinity War's Climax

11. Iron Man

Avengers Infinity War Iron Man
Marvel Studios

It makes quite a lot of sense that Iron Man could fall in Infinity War - particularly as him sacrificing himself to save the galaxy and his friends would fit his arc perfectly - but a more recent theory seems to suggest that he's more key than would fit a character who will die. Not to mention the fact that he takes so much punishment in the trailers that him dying might be just TOO obvious.

On the release of some Infinity War artwork that shows each of the Infinity Stones revealed so far and the character they're most associated with, it became clear that Iron Man is surprisingly linked to the Soul Stone. Quite how that will be revealed remains to be seen, but it would change his value in the fight against Thanos.

And just as his death would suit his arc, him ultimately protecting his friends and fellow humans from Thanos also fits the crippling anxiety he had in Age Of Ultron. Sure, he might still die, but him taking down Thanos while doing so would give him the chance of an ultimate sacrifice he just missed at the end of The Avengers.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.