Why Argylle Just Flopped

1. Matthew Vaughn's Weakened Brand

Argylle 2024

Matthew Vaughn may not be a huge name in Hollywood, but he has nevertheless carved out a solid niche for himself as "the Kingsman guy," even accepting that the second and third Kingsman films were... wildly mixed bags to say the least.

The marketing leveraged itself heavily on Vaughn's prior pedigree, but in 2024, almost an entire decade removed from the original Kingsman's release and in turn his last well-received film, it's fair to say that his name just doesn't carry the same pull anymore.

The "from the twisted mind..." tagline was widely joked about on social media, with many evidently finding it excessively hubristic for a filmmaker who has been on the critical skids for years to be pushed as a major reason to watch the movie.

And so, this confluence of factors ensured that Argylle was always destined to tank at the box office.

It'll certainly be interesting to see how this flop affects both Apple's blockbuster release strategy moving forward and Vaughn's career, given that he's currently working on new Kingsman and Kick-Ass movies. As ever, time will tell.


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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.