Why Batgirl Just Got Cancelled

2. WB Wants To Save Characters For Other Movies

Batgirl movie
Warner Bros.

One interesting tidbit in the Deadline report suggested that part of the reason why WB cancelled Batgirl is that the studio had other plans for characters involved in the story.

As we know, the DCEU has received a creative shift internally, and plans previously laid down for its future have changed. Just this past month we've had confirmation that Ben Affleck is returning as Batman in Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom, alongside rumours that Henry Cavill may once again be suiting up as Superman. Of course there's also The Flash, which once again stars Affleck as well as Michael Keaton reprising his role as a multiversal Batman.

The Deadline report suggests that executives thought the re-appearance of actors like Keaton would be best saved for once of these tentpoles. It does make sense in a way: we haven't seen Keaton as Batman for decades, and his return would give the marketing for that movie a huge boost. Inherently, it would feel less special if fans had already seen him on HBO Max.

Still, that's an issue that should have been brought up years ago - not at a point where both movies are nearly complete.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3