Why Brie Larson's All-Female MCU Movie Should Be About The Valkyries

5. Sakaar (And The Grandmaster) Could Return

Valkyries Captain Marvel
Marvel Studios

Thor: Ragnarok introduced a great many enjoyable elements into the MCU; chief among them was Sakaar and its ruler: the Grandmaster.

With the opportunities that Sakaar presents for introducing new characters and how stunning it is visually, it would be foolish for Marvel to only utilise it in one movie. In addition, seeing as Love & Thunder seems like it will have somewhat more of an Earth-based focus (due to the return of Jane Foster), a Valkyries film would be the perfect story to revisit it.

Now, onto the Grandmaster. Really, it's very simple why this villain should return - he's played by Jeff effing Goldblum! Why on Asgard would anyone waste such an actor?

Heck, make him the central antagonist; I'm sure that no one would mind!

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Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!