Why Brie Larson's All-Female MCU Movie Should Be About The Valkyries

2. It Makes The Most Sense

Valkyries Captain Marvel
Marvel Studios

Similar to the argument that Superman doesn't need the Justice League because of his insane power level, there isn't much of a reason for Captain Marvel to recruit a team of weaker heroes when she is more than capable of taking on any threat on her lonesome.

Even if Captain Marvel wasn't as overpowered as she is, there isn't really a solid reason for her to gather a group of warriors anyway. Valkyries however, now she does have a reason.

Being the king of an incredibly weakened and devastated Asgard, it's only logical that, one, the enemies of Asgard would take advantage of this and, two, Valkyrie would want to build up an army in response to these threats.

As for why this army would be strictly made up of female members? Well, that's also simple, she would be reforming the Valkyries - a group that has always ever been made up of women. 'Nuff said.

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Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!