Why Brie Larson's All-Female MCU Movie Should Be About The Valkyries

1. Valkyrie Would Be The Protagonist

Valkyries Captain Marvel
Marvel Studios

Though Brie Larson may be the figurehead at the push for an all-female MCU movie, her character should not be the one to lead the charge on-screen.

As already suggested in the previous entry, it doesn't really make sense for Captain Marvel to recruit such a group, due to the fact that she is so darn overpowered, meaning that allies are effectively pointless. It would be like if Superman asked Batman to help him punch Darkseid - nonsensical.

Additionally, Valkyrie is simply a more enjoyable character than Danvers, Tessa Thompson's performance bringing bounds of charisma to the Asgardian. On the other hand, Larson's hero hasn't been given the greatest amount to do (despite starring in her own film) so lacks the level of personality of Thompson's Brunnhilde.

For these reasons, Valkyrie being the protagonist would make for much more fun experience. And for all the aforementioned reasons, this is why an all-female MCU outing should centre around the Valkyries.

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Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!