Why Chris Nolan's Next Movie MUST Be This

4. Its Themes Of Isolation & Germaphobia Are PERFECT For The Pandemic Era

Chris Nolan Citizen Hughes
Warner Bros. Pictures

Even with vaccine rollouts happening throughout the world, there's no denying that COVID-19 has caused irreparable global change, and it'll be many years before a true sense of normal returns for most.

And while many filmmakers are already busy working on films set within the pandemic, Nolan could offer up something distinctly different by filtering his Hughes biopic through the context of current events.

Hughes may have died back in 1976, but many of his own concerns are reflected in the world around us today.

Hughes' declining mental health throughout his life only exacerbated his prevalent germaphobia and paranoia, such that Hughes spent much of his adult life as a recluse.

Given how so many of us around the world have been wary of spreading or catching germs and even being around other people, while also being stuck indoors due to lockdown, the parallels speak pretty easily for themselves.

Hell, Nolan's even given us a first draft of what his Howard Hughes might look like courtesy of The Dark Knight Rises, where in the first act Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) has been a recluse for many years, looking weak and disheveled as a result.

The DNA of Nolan's Hughes film is evidently imbued within those early scenes, yet observed through the context of the pandemic era, a psychological thriller centered around Hughes' fractured mental state could result in the most emotionally "real" film of the director's career.

Nolan's already done the hardest parts, given that he's written the script and selected his leading man, who is only becoming a better choice for Hughes with each passing year...


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.