Why Furiosa Just Flopped

5. Mediocre Marketing

Furiosa Anya-Taylor Joy
Warner Bros.

There's no denying that the marketing for Furiosa proved hugely divisive, even with those who loved Fury Road. From the moment the first trailer dropped, many expressed concerns that Furiosa looked considerably more digital and green-screened than Fury Road.

For while Fury Road contains far more CGI than many will ever appreciate, it's expertly weaved into the live-action footage, whereas from Furiosa's very first reveal, it was clear that Miller hadn't achieved quite such a seamless fusion of digital and practical filmmaking.

But beyond that, the trailers simply made the film look... fine. Compare this to the utterly face-melting marketing for Fury Road, which couldn't have done a much better job of selling its eye-watering visuals and insane action, and Furiosa's trailers seemed to surrender that this was a lesser film in every possible way.

And so, these factors led to a sure wave of apathy among mainstream moviegoers, translating to little social media buzz, enough that even rave reviews during release week couldn't turn the tide. 

 Once marketing has left a lackluster early impression with potential customers, it's incredibly tough to undo.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.