Why Furiosa Just Flopped

4. The Budget Was WAY Too Big

Furiosa Anya-Taylor Joy
Warner Bros.

Generally speaking blockbuster budgets have spiralled wildly out of control since the pandemic, enough that on paper Furiosa's $168 million budget actually sounded relatively sensible.

That's a little lower than Fury Road's $185 million, and roughly half of what Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny cost last year. But while George Miller clearly put that money to good work, was it really sensible of Warner Bros. to give him such a large budget once again?

After all, for all of its plaudits and Oscar success, Fury Road itself underperformed at the box office, grossing a middling $380 million worldwide. 

Quite why Warner Bros. expected a prequel without the A-list stars of the previous movie in a considerably less-healthy theatrical environment to do any better is anyone's guess.

If Miller could've made this movie for, say, $100-120 million, by paring down the set-pieces and trimming the rather bloated 148-minute runtime, it might've made more sense.

As it stands, though, Furiosa joins the huge pile of over-budgeted recent blockbusters which never had a hope in hell of recouping their costs.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.