Why Ghostface Is Different In Scream VI

6. A More Savage, Daring Ghostface

Scream VI

Scream VI's trailer also makes a persuasive argument that we're about to deal with the more ruthlessly violent Ghostface we've ever seen before.

The trailer memorably opens with Ghostface invading a New York City bodega, killing a customer, attacking a shotgun-totting cashier, and then shooting said cashier with his own shotgun before turning their attention towards Sam and Tara (Jenna Ortega).

Ghostface's use of a shotgun did rub some fans the wrong way - apparently forgetting the killers' pervasive use of guns in past films - but there's no denying that seeing the killer using such a potent piece of weaponry makes them seem more savagely brutal than their predecessors.

Between this and Ghostface's clear brazenness to kill random people in crowded civilian areas, it's therefore reasonable to expect Scream VI to deliver the highest body count of the franchise to date.

There's a ferocity and aggression to the killer we've seen in the trailer which is quite unlike any other Ghostface in the series, and could also suggest a deeply personal motive too.

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Scream 6
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.