Why Ghostface Is Different In Scream VI

4. There Could Be MANY Killers

Scream VI

To date four of the five Scream movies have had two killers, to the extent that it basically feels predictable at this point. But what would certainly switch things up nicely is the prospect of three killers or, better yet, many people acting as Ghostface.

One of the most prominent fan theories doing the rounds is that the Ghostface shrine might belong to a cult of Ghostface fanatics who carry out a spate of copycat killings across New York.

In such a huge, densely-packed city with plentiful public transportation, it'd be much easier for multiple killers to act undetected and blend in with the masses.

Imagine if there were nine killers, one wearing each of the nine previous Ghostface costumes, while working with a mastermind overseeing the whole operation.

The trailer basically confirms that there are at least two killers, what with Gale talking on the phone to one while another attacks somebody in her home, and Sam and Tara standing back-to-back while staring down separate assailants.

But giving that fact away for free seems to suggest there's at least one more killer in the mix.

Hell, if there really is a number of Ghostfaces running around, the filmmakers could even majorly buck the trend by having one of them get killed or apprehended early on.

This is without ignoring another possibility, of course, that in a city as huge and populous as New York, there could be two or more Ghostfaces operating totally independently.

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Scream 6
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.