Why Ghostface Is Different In Scream VI

2. The New Killer Seems Less Clumsy

Scream VI

In addition to the new iteration of Ghostface appearing to be far more violent and no-nonsense, many fans have picked up on the fact that they also seem to be a lot less clumsy.

One of the series' more amusing tropes is that, ever since its inception, the Ghostface killers have been hilariously clumsy, constantly tripping over things because, of course, they're mostly teenagers and young folk running around in a clunky-ass outfit and vision-limiting mask.

But Scream VI's trailer makes a strong case that the new killer - one of them, at least - is going to possess considerably greater spatial awareness.

When one of the killers starts chasing Gale around her home, they step straight over her sofa with supreme confidence, suggesting they're much more steady on their feet than any killer we've seen before.

Basically, don't expect this killer to be falling over constantly or having doors slammed in their face: they seem to be the most physically capable Ghostface yet, which may imply some sort of formal combat training. Could they be a soldier of some kind?

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Scream 6
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.