Why King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword Flopped So Hard

4. The Golden Age Of TV

Game of Thrones Tyrion Season 7
Helen Sloan/HBO

Further to that aforementioned point about audiences not caring about historical epics, the general upswing in the quality of TV shows over the last decade-or-so has surely further contributed to audiences preferring to stay home.

When you can stream the likes of Game of Thrones, Vikings and Black Sails from the comfort of your bed, there's simply not as much incentive to head out and pay extra cash to see similar fare on the big screen.

That's without even mentioning the other array of acclaimed non-fantasy or historical shows constantly coming down the pike, in what many are calling the Golden Age of TV. Why go out when you can order a pizza, grab some beers and have a lazy night at home with a boxed-set in your yoga pants?

And yes, while people will make the effort to go out to catch the new Marvel or Christopher Nolan movie at the cinema, there's another big reason why audiences may have been scared away...


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.