Why Sam Raimi Is Perfect For Doctor Strange 2

4. Spider-Man Gives Him Marvel Street Cred

Sam Raimi Doctor Strange

Addressing the elephant in the room, he directed the original Spider-Man trilogy. He helped to originate the blockbuster Marvel film and is perfectly poised for a comeback. While often over the top style would not have tonally fit with most of the previous MCU films, Multiverse of Madness offers an environment where he can go totally nuts.

However it's not just the street cred he gets from directing the Spider-Man films that makes him ideal for Doctor Strange but also the lessons learned in the process. Spider-Man 3 was a victim of studio meddling and as a result was a disappointment to audiences and not at all the movie Raimi set out to make. Having had this experience he will know when to tell the studio to back off and let him make the best version of the movie.

One other bonus is that in a film where the multiverse is in play Raimi has the chance to bring back Toby Maguire's Spider-Man and maybe resolve some hanging plot threads. While it might seem unlikely that Sony would play ball they have already stated and interest in a live action Spider-Verse and could easily use this film to set it up.


Early Ray Mixon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.