Why The Mummy (1999) Is The PERFECT Action Movie

1. Brendan Fraser

The Mummy 1999

For all the things that work in this movie, the film simply would not be as good, and perhaps would not succeed were it not for the brilliant casting decision to slot Brendan Fraser into the lead as Rick O'Connell.

For a film like this, there is a decision that has to be made. Either hire an action star with a comedic side, or hire a comedian and get him up to snuff to hold his own in an action film. Thankfully, they chose the latter.

Fraser is a rogue and a scoundrel, but is utterly affable in the role. His urgency is never so dire that he doesn't have a one-liner stashed in his back pocket. It doesn't take much to get him invested in the adventure, and acts as the capable muscle throughout.

That said, he's not perfect. Rick goofs up, fails in some crucial tasks, and generally doesn't buy into the danger until it is far too late. Like Indiana Jones and John McClaine before him, it is that fallibility that endears him to the audience.

You believe him being a light-hearted goof just as much as believe him as a determined action hero. There are very few actors who could hope to strike that perfect balance, but Fraser makes it look easy; effortlessly shouldering this film and elevating the material in the process.

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A former Army vet who kept his sanity running D&D games for his Soldiers. I'll have a bit of D&D, pro wrestling, narrative-driven video games, and 80's horror movies, please and thank you.