Why The Mummy (1999) Is The PERFECT Action Movie

8. Scum And Villainy

The Mummy 1999
Universal Pictures

Imhotep is what's considered a larger-than-life threat. His motivations are relatively small, simply wanting to reunite with his deceased love. However, with him comes death and destruction as the plagues of Egypt spread across the world. The problem with such huge antagonists is that sometimes it is hard to really hate them.

Think of Harry Potter. Sure, everyone wants Voldemort stopped, because of his ambitious plan to rule the world, but it's the far more relatable Professor Umbridge that people truly hate. A bully at heart, her reasoning and machinations hit close to home because readers can empathize with them.

That's why it was a genius move to have Benny play the part of Imhotep's minion. Benny is the the absolute worst. He's cunning, but snivelling. He suffers from delusions of grandeur, but is a coward in every sense of the word. Hell, when confronted by Imhotep's first disgusting form, he starts tries literally every religious symbol he can until one resonates with the villain.

By becoming a willing servant of Imhotep, he becomes complicit in his actions. Benny watches and smiles as horrible things happen to people and he does nothing all for the promise of treasure. As such, the audience can't help but be delighted when he, and by extension, his master, finally get their comeuppance at the end of the movie.

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A former Army vet who kept his sanity running D&D games for his Soldiers. I'll have a bit of D&D, pro wrestling, narrative-driven video games, and 80's horror movies, please and thank you.