Why The Mummy (1999) Is The PERFECT Action Movie

3. A True Throwback

The Mummy 1999

The Mummy, upon its release, didn't really feel like any other film. Most likely because it had one foot firmly planted in the past. Do not misconstrue that as a weakness! The Mummy owes just as much to Indiana Jones as it does its source material.

While it retains some elements of its horror past, the Mummy was designed to be an absolute blast. There is nothing too terribly complicated here. The characters are fun, enjoyable, charismatic, without being terribly deep. The action is fast, loud, and bombastic. The story is, if anything, a bit formulaic. And that's why it works so well.

Similar to the way that Raiders of the Lost Ark hearkened back to the adventure serials of the '30s and '40s, so too does The Mummy look back to the George Lucas/Steven Spielberg collaboration as a heavy influence. Desert vistas, big action, hearty laughs, and despised villains are all shared in the DNA of these films.

As such, The Mummy is a film that appeals to people across the board. It borrows liberally virtually every genre, and as such has something that any audience member can appreciate.

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A former Army vet who kept his sanity running D&D games for his Soldiers. I'll have a bit of D&D, pro wrestling, narrative-driven video games, and 80's horror movies, please and thank you.