Why The Star Wars Prequels Aren't As Bad As You Remember

1. The Prequels Have A Satisfying Ending

Star Wars Prequels

A bad ending can ruin any story, no matter how seemingly perfect it was up until that point. Look at the Game of Thrones. Look at how Dexter ended... both times.

So, since The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones were hated by the most dedicated Star Wars fans, many assumed Revenge of the Sith would find a way to desecrate the Star Wars name even further.

But to everyone's disbelief, Episode III was the closest any of prequels came to feeling like a real Star Wars movie. We got to see the Jedi genocide, the rise of the Empire, Anakin's mental and physical transition into Darth Vader, and a 12-minute lightsaber duel. If you thought the Yoda fight in the previous movie was mind-blowing, that was just an appetiser. Watching the 900-year-old Jedi warrior facing off against Darth Sidious is the full course.

Also, Revenge of the Sith is the only prequel where the comedy is actually funny!

Is the threequel perfect? Well, if you saw Vader scream "Noooooo!", you already know the answer.

But considering ROTS had to tie up everything in a neat little bow, match the unrealistic hype, and redeem the flaws of its predecessors, Revenge of the Sith turned out far better than it should've. Revenge of the Sith is far from flawless, but it did what the other prequels failed to do - it made viewers proud to be Star Wars fans.

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