Why The Star Wars Prequels Aren't As Bad As You Remember

2. Jar Jar Isn't In The Films As Much As You May Remember

Star Wars Prequels

It's funny (and deeply concerning) that George Lucas saw Jar Jar Binks as "The Key" to making the prequels work. When the failed comic relief debuted in The Phantom Menace, viewers were immediately infuriated by his high-pitched voice, irritating speaking pattern, and idiotic antics. Even though the original trilogy had a lot of comedic moments, Jar Jar came across as childish, jarring, and above all, unfunny.

Just to be clear, the actor portraying him, Ahmed Best, is not at fault since he did precisely what George Lucas asked him to do. Lucas should've reigned in Jar Jar's bumbling behaviour (or cut him entirely) but failed to do so.

But is Jar Jar as bad as we remember?

Oh, hell yes. While rewatching The Phantom Menace, no one will blame you for fast-forwarding through all scenes revolving around the accident-prone Gungan.

But people forget how little Jar Jar features in the saga. Because he's synonymous with the prequels, viewers forget he has less than five minutes of screen time in Attack of the Clones. He does so little in Revenge of the Sith, he's practically a background extra. Although Jar Jar features throughout The Phantom Menace, you barely notice he's in the two follow-ups.

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