Why The Star Wars Prequels Aren't As Bad As You Remember

6. The Music

Star Wars Prequels
/AP/Press Association Images

John Williams is regarded as the GOAT of films composers thanks to his work on Superman, E.T. - The Extra Terrestrial, Indiana Jones, Harry Potter, Jurassic Park, and Jaws. However, his compositions for Star Wars are unanimously hailed as his finest work. Even though Lucas brought Williams back for the prequels, it didn't seem feasible for him to create a score of the same caliber.

But not only is the music in the prequels astounding, it's the only aspect of the trilogy that's critic-proof. Grievous and the Droids, Padme's Ruminations, and Battle of the Heroes are among the most beautiful songs Williams has crafted, not just for the franchise but in his entire career.

But it's impossible not to talk about the prequels' tracks without mentioning Duel of the Fates, which served as Darth Maul's theme song in The Phantom Menace. Although the fight choreography in this scene is a work of art, hearing the thunderous choir belting out this ballad elevates the action tenfold.

If Williams did the bare minimum and devised a modernised version of the original score, everyone would've been happy. Instead, the legendary maestro poured his passion and craft into his work, creating a soundtrack that will forever be inscribed in the hearts of its listeners.

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