Why The Star Wars Prequels Aren't As Bad As You Remember

5. It Expanded On The Lore

Star Wars Prequels

Everyone was excited about the Star Wars prequels because it gave fans a chance to revisit their childhood. We would get to see Tatooine again, watch Obi-Wan as a young Jedi, and witness Vader when he still had all his limbs. It was also interesting to finally behold the Clone Wars, which had only been mentioned in passing before.

But the prequels didn't just reincorporate factors from the original films - it created its own lore. The three movies introduced more planets, aliens, Jedi, and Sith than we anticipated. It also implemented brand-new concepts like The Sith's Rule of Two, which has since become a series' staple.

When Palpatine briefly mentions his old master, Darth Plagueis, in Revenge of the Sith, we gained fascinating insight into the Emperor's backstory. Plagueis has never appeared in live-action and yet, fans are still desperate to learn more about the nebulous Sith.

Darth Maul, who was once seen as a missed opportunity, has evolved over the last two decades into one of Star Wars more complex and tragic villains. For all we know, there may still elements of the prequels that will continue to be expanded in the future.

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