Why Zack Snyder Was Fired From Justice League

4. He Didn't Understand Superman

henry cavill superman
Warner Bros.

Snyder might have done good work with Batman - who fundamentally suits more darkness - but he plainly didn't understand Superman. He was way too invested in deconstructing the hero to his own ends rather than building up the character as a brand.

Chris Nolan might have taken Batman apart, but his trilogy was still a progressive arc, designed to build The Dark Knight up, but Snyder's attempt to do the same thing was badly hamstrung by his innate commitment to take the character down. While The Dark Knight rose, the Man Of Steel fell.

And think about it, why would a studio be happy to see one of its own blue chip brands abused? That would be self-destructive and illogical. In the end, Warner Bros rightly identified that they needed to bring in the "real" Superman - hence almost that exact phrase appearing in the marketing rounds before Justice League's release. And sadly, there was no way that Snyder was EVER going to be the man to bring him in.

And worse, there's some suggestion that he doesn't even LIKE Superman and his kind...


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.