Why Zack Snyder Was Fired From Justice League
1. Because It Was The Right Thing To Do

Sacking someone going through a tragedy as unthinkable as Snyder's is a difficult thing to call "right" but Justice League's relative successes (and they were VERY relative) proved that getting rid of him was the right thing for the DCEU.
He might wish he could have finished the movie himself for the fans (for HIS fans, most pertinently), but critics were almost united in their expression that it was a step in the right direction for the franchise. In other words, it was successful where it stepped AWAY from Snyder.
Warner Bros' decision to bring in Whedon was the right way to get it onto the right track, and though the final result was messy, that is more down to the compromises that had to be made to stop a delay to release. And considering that context, what he did - fashioning something even remotely watchable (and better than Batman v Superman) out of what he was reportedly given - deserves considerable praise.
And crucially, it's vindication for Warner Bros' taking the steps to remove Snyder and bring him in.
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