Will The MCU Replace Avengers With The Illuminati?

Why The Illuminati Would Improve The MCU

Illuminati Member
Marvel Comics

The scale of Infinity War and Endgame has left many fans questioning how these films could possibly be followed up. This internal conflict could be that - especially if it's used to lead into any big comic series like Secret Wars or Dark Reign.

Should the Illuminati appear, there's a good chance their appearance will be one of the best reveals in the history of the MCU, so it's only fair to hope we might see them formed on the big screen.

While the Avengers have become too much of a film staple now for them to likely ever be replaced, having the franchise either feature the Illuminati, or have them a spin-off seems like a smart way to add a little extra zest to the overall series. And to start, like, a million Marvel conspiracy theories, which would also be pretty great.

Do you want to see the Illuminati in the MCU? Let us know in the comments below.


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