12. Don't Shed Skin In The Middle Of A Fight

For an X-Men film, The Wolverine isnt overloaded with mutants. Along with Wolverine and Yukio, the only other mutant is Viper, a reptile-type mutant that can spit venom. So to go along with the snake tongue and spitting venom, Viper also sheds her skin like all snakes do. Nothing wrong with that, but she picks the most inappropriate moment to do it and it seems totally unnecessary. During the middle of the climatic fight, Viper gets on the ground and starts ripping off her skin. Dodgy CGI aside, the only reason I can think for why she would choose that moment to shed her skin is because they had a spare $20,000 in the SFX piggy bank. So why not spend it on a dodgy special effect that is pointlessly inserted into the middle of a fight sequence? Not only pointless and fake looking, it also left Viper completely defenceless. Not a smart move by the films main villain.